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Compassion Over Offence

Writer's picture: Megan L. AndersonMegan L. Anderson

Take a moment to refresh, refocus, and refine your faith.

Holy Spirit, fill me with your divine compassion for others when they challenge your existence, character, and my faith. Help me see beyond accusations, defensiveness, and arguments to the needs of their hearts. Fill my words with Jesus’ balance of truth and grace. Set my tone. Do the speaking for me. Teach me to lead with humility. Use me as your mouthpiece for speaking to their conditions as only you can. Do not let emotion or personal agenda get the better of me so that others will see the best of you. Amen. 

1 Peter 3:15

But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

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Danny Cove
Danny Cove
Jul 29, 2024

This seems especially poignant, and it speaks to the attitude we as Christians should be seeking to emulate at precisely this moment.

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